Sadie Grace

On Sunday, March 6, Sadie was admitted into the NICU to complete 10 days of antibiotics. She had a fever a couple of times and her white blood cell count was slightly elevated at birth (probably because Mommy ran a fever all through labor), so the doctors thought she should have a full round of antibiotics as a precaution. And since 10 days of shots several times a day just wouldn't do, she had to be admitted into the NICU to get the medicine through an IV.

The NICU stay was really tough on Mommy and Daddy at first... they were really anxious to take Sadie home! Or at least continue to stay in the same room with her. They decided to stay up at the hospital so Mommy could nurse Sadie every three hours (on the NICU's feeding schedule). They planned to live in Maw Maw and Paw Paw's van in the parking lot, but fortunately, Sadie's nurse the first night found an unused room at the hospital for Mommy and Daddy to stay in. Praise God for that wonderful nurse! That room made it easier for Mommy and Daddy to see Sadie whenever they wanted to. This also made Sadie very happy, since she loves to snooze on Daddy's chest!

Pretty soon, everyone got into the swing of things. Between her parents and grandparents, Sadie had family with her almost all the time. And Mommy and Daddy decided the NICU wasn't such a bad place after all... except for the three minute hand and arm washing at the scrub sink every time they entered! And since the NICU policy requires breastfed babies to recieve a supplement after every feeding, Mommy grew to despise the Evil Breast Pump. :-p

And Sadie didn't seem to mind much, either. Even though she had all kinds of wires and monitors attached to her... not to mention the IV that had to be moved several times after clotting off. First it was in her right hand, then her left. Then it was moved to her foot, and then her scalp! Sadie didn't mind having an antenna, though. She did mind the pricks in her poor feet every few hours, but she quickly forgot them as soon as they were done. Mostly Sadie was happy to sleep and eat and occasionally wake up and look around a bit.