Sadie Grace

Sadie loves playgrounds. Here she is sliding down a slide without a grown-up holding her for the first time!

You have to be gentle when you pet Kit Kat!
And you have to be gentle when
you touch your friends, too!

Sadie had lots of fun exploring at the Houston Children's Museum.

Walking in the bluebonnets
Sadie's first time Geocaching! She "helped" Uncle Keith find the cache.

The contest was in San Antonio this year, so Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw drove Sadie and I to join Daddy there for a few days- Grandma and Grandpa were there, too! While we were in town, we got to stroll along the Riverwalk a few times, see the Alamo, visit a children's museum and join all the contest people for a special dinner at another museum. Of all the sights we saw, I think Sadie's favorite was Daddy, since he had been very busy with contest prep and we hadn't seen him much for a couple of weeks!

While Daddy was finishing up with contest stuff in San Antonio, Sadie and I went back to Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw's house. We got to visit the zoo, and Sadie was very excited to see the fish!

(**Large movie file - 13 Mb)

We were still there for Easter- Daddy joined us later that day. Sadie really enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs, and she enjoyed even more seeing what special treat was inside each egg. She loved finding the fruit puffs and Goldfish crackers I put in some eggs... until she found one of the extra special eggs with Lucky Charms marshmallows! Then she had no interest in those lame-o fruit puff and Goldfish eggs.

Movie of Sadie trying to hold too many eggs at once.
(**Large file - 20 Mb)

Since the whole fam was there for Easter, we took our traditional cousins picture. And the crazy cousins picture, too!

Sadie points out a butterfly to Grandma while on a hike.
Sadie is helping Daddy take out the trash.

Mmm... spaghetti!